If you know my schedule you know that Tuesday is my Sunday. This means that I end up wanting to do a hundred things on Tuesday and end up diddling away the day. I said last week that I would do another screen print and show you the process, but I've been waiting for a new screen that I ordered from
Dick. It will probably arrive in an hour or two.
Until then I thought I would start another project: photo mapping of buildings in Greenfield. The plan is to create a database of pictures of houses in the neighborhood and link them to the maps in Google Earth(G.E. from now on). As I look into it I realize that it is more complicated than just up loading and linking. To do it right I will probably have to get my own server to host the KML files. The other issue is that, like much of the internet, popularity reigns. You can go on G.E. and see pictures in Greenfield, but they are either "points of interest" or a quirky pic of a snowman. The images chosen are inevitably those deemed appealing to the masses.
Does this point to the inevitable contradiction of populism? See it like this: the most popular images are Eiffel Tower, Daytona Beach, Grand Canyon, Piccadilly Circus, places well known to all people. On G.E. you will find many pictures of these well known places. But the houses that most people live in will not be hosted on G.E. because, after all, who wants to look at pictures of your neighbor's house; it's right there. I guess my hope is that a program like G.E. allows could raise up those banal structures that surround us to object worth looking at. I think they are. Until I've figured out how to by-pass the editors at G.E. you can look at my first step on panoramio